Greetings Travellers,
We hope this update will find you well, surrounded by joy & warmth, and ready for a new year.
Allow us to present our final update for this year and final game name, BEAST: False Prophet.
In the spirit of giving, we are excited to introduce you to our Major Update #2! Besides all new missions, enemies, and enhanced visuals, you can now finally play the game from start to finish and see our first ending!
We’ve left no stone unturned in our quest to make BEAST an unforgettable adventure. We now hope current and future players will see the kind of game we want to finish developing.
As we stand on the edge of finalizing our game, we recognize that our journey has one more chapter of polishing and bugfixing to be done.
We now turn to our amazing community for help in spreading the word and ask your friends to support future development by buying this early-access version.
Your continued support is the key to making BEAST the masterpiece it deserves to be. Together, let’s bring this chapter to a close and set the stage for even more thrilling adventures ahead.
At the end thank you for your amazing support and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄
~BEAST Dev Team
Major Update #2 notes
New Features
- Added 5 new missions on 3 new maps
- Added 6 new enemy types and 2 new enemy classes
- Added 8 new cutscenes, including 2 new travel cutscenes
- Added 1 new camp
- Added 22 new models for existing enemy classes for an increased variety
- Added 49 achievements
- Added alternative Beast Mode transformation for the players who invest in Exercise Beast Tree
- Added Credits to the Main Menu
- Added custom concept art to loading screens before each mission
- Added a Loyalty/Treason feature that makes your companion leave the Warband if their Treason stat is maxed out before their Loyalty.
- Updated meshing for most cutscenes
- Updated lighting for multiple cutscenes
- Added multiple SFX and sounds to animations, dialogues, and cutscenes
- Added multiple ambiance SFX
- Added multiple missing level SFX
- Updated footstep sounds over multiple levels
- Updated Cyril transformation model during the boss fight
- Updated mesh for a horse wagon
- Updated visuals of multiple Camps
- Updated visuals of the Liakhyan Hospitality mission
- Updated Beast Mode visuals of the Monastery Must Pay mission
- Added information about weapon attack effects in camp and ability bar
- Updated icons for Sharpshooter abilities
- Added a tutorial step that teaches the player how to decide what spot they perform an ability from when attacking
- Updated UI in Camp view
- Updated icons for Defender’s, and Anton’s Exercise abilities
- Updated icons for enemy commanders
- Updated ability icons for the Duelist class
- Added missing character bios
- Updated multiple movement and combat animations
- When entering Beast Mode involuntarily (after staying on max Insanity for 3 turns) Anton will now go berserk for his following turn and attack the closest character
- Reduced enemy damage and defensive stats during the boss fight in the Roadside Inn mission
- Added additional enemies for both phases of the boss fight in the Roadside Inn mission
- Rebalanced Stress triggers to increase their impact if Anton is the reason for the change
- Fixed an issue with Grenadier: Far Throw ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Onslaught ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Offensive ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Trickster ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with the Sword and Cloak ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with enemies using Bloody Sacrifice being able to instantly kill downed companions
- Fixed an issue with companions being able to leave the party before the first boss fight
- Fixed an issue with enemies hit by Barrage Fire ability cannot being targeted by other party members until the end of the turn
- Fixed an issue with the weapon disappearing after using the Pressing Offense ability
- Fixed an issue with Anton in Beast mode not hugging the wall while in full cover
- Fixed an issue with Rudolf recruited in Camp Monastery not having the proper model
- Fixed an issue with Alfred not auto-leveling properly
- Fixed an issue with Cyril not having proper abilities available during Plague Town: Main Street and Plague Town: Exit missions
- Fixed an issue with completing the mission on the turn when either The Day is Ours! or Now Is The Time! abilities were used permanently increasing the total AP pool of affected characters
- Fixed multiple issues with buildings not occluding properly in the Suburbs map
Multiple fixes for localization - Fixed a potential blocker with the camera being stuck after a kill-cam
- Fixed an issue with the camera not returning to the team after showing the mission objective after the level intro
- Fixed an issue with Insanity not changing properly during Roadside Inn mission
- Fixed an issue with the player not being able to take part in Verchovne and Graverobbers side missions
- Fixed an issue with the improper order of portraits in camps
- Fixed an issue with sliders in Options unnecessarily displaying decimals
- Fixed an issue with Cyril surname (Sone) not displaying properly
- Fixed an issue with En garde ability not working properly
- Fixed an issue with Horseman’s Axe weapon’s mesh not displaying properly
- Fixed an issue with the player not being able to increase any Trait to 5
- Fixed an issue with Pierre (Prince’s companion) having the wrong abilities
- Fixed an issue with critical hits performed with 2-handed weapons forcing defending characters to play animation of dying, despite them not being dead
- Fixed an issue with holding down A on a gamepad while selecting attack direction not working properly
- Fixed an issue with the player not being able to scroll tutorial messages on a gamepad. It’s now possible with the right stick
- Fixed an issue with the Quit popup not being navigable on a gamepad
- Fixed an issue with the player not being able to confirm setting up Overwatch during the tutorial sequence on a gamepad
- Fixed multiple issues with navigation of the pause menu on a gamepad
- Fixed multiple issues with tracking and handling UI on a gamepad
- Fixed multiple issues with loss of focus while navigating UI on a gamepad
- Fixed multiple issues with missing voiceovers during combat
- Fixed multiple issues with missing translations (still work in progress)
- Fixed a potential issue with loading saved games leading to a black screen
- Multiple ability descriptions fixes
- Fixed a crash after using Devil’s Claws ability on a wooden barrel
- Fixed a blocker with not being able to move the camera after using Canvas during tutorial when using a gamepad
- Fixed a potential blocker during finisher animation when the enemy holds a gun
- Fixed a potential blocker with the Unlawful Execution mission not ending after the rescued NPC dies
- Fixed a potential blocker with the escorted NPC during the Unlawful Execution mission ignoring navmesh boundaries and falling off the map
- Fixed an issue with enemies during the Unlawful Execution mission respawning indefinitely
- Fixed an issue with the NPC during Plague Town: Rescue mission not having proper equipment, stats, and abilities
- Fixed an issue with released prisoners playing the wrong animations during Molfar’s Sacrifice
- Fixed an issue with destructible elements not blocking horse-wagon movement
- Fixed an issue with the tutorial widget in the first camp overlapping a part of the UI
- Fixed an issue with Zygmas and Bohdan disappearing from Warband if they’re not selected to participate in Plague Town: Plaza mission
- Fixed multiple issues with the player not receiving experience after completing some side missions
- Fixed multiple issues with missing translations, especially with character responses during combat, and conversations in camps (still work in progress)
- Fixed multiple issues with companions not having some abilities displayed on the ability bar
- Multiple collision and visual bug fixes
- Multiple smaller fixes